selling your house in cincinnati

Selling Your House: How To Stand Out In A Buyers Market in Cincinnati

Standing out in a buyers market can be a challenge when there is so much competition to be had. Are you thinking about selling your house in Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky?

If so, we’ve come up with some great ways to help your home to stand out from the rest. The market can go up and down, but here are some tips to help you sell your house in Cincinnati no matter if it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market.

selling your house in cincinnati

Offer Incentives

You need to offer things your competitors aren’t. You can offer to cover the closing costs up front or give buyers a credit to fix up the house as they wish. You can also include furniture, some recreational toys. We have even seen someone throw in a boat!

You don’t want to be crazy for crazy’s sake. But, if you think outside of the box for something that would motivate a buyer, go for it. You may even just want to go for a laugh. I saw a sign that read, “free pizza with sale of home.” The offer was so ridiculous, it caught my attention.

Pay for Repairs

If a buyer wants to negotiate repairs, stop them right there. Make the grand gesture of paying for all repairs right there on the spot. This is sure to win over your buyer and help them to alleviate any concern they had about buying the property. Now, this won’t be cheap. So, know what repairs you may have ahead of time, what the estimates may be, and price your home accordingly.

The Price is Right

Beware of the price dropping ditch!

Every time you alter the price, the change is recorded on the MLS. People can easily see the price history, and the changes they see give subtle, subconscious messages about the house. Dropping the price a few grand every couple weeks can make you look desperate or like there is something wrong with the house.

You might appear as if you don’t know the actual value of the house and are just fishing for someone to come along and buy. This will shoo away many buyers. If you are going to drop your price, plan on doing it in one bold move. Instead of dropping the price by say $2000, drop it instead by $15,000. $15,000 will make everybody take notice (depending on the value of the home). And, instead of a drip of small changes, you are showing buyers that you mean business and are ready to sell.

Use the Right Agent

Don’t choose the agent with the loudest voice or the best website. Don’t fall for the salesman showmanship so many agents employ. Instead, work with the agent who immediately provides you with stats, market reports and who will crunch numbers with you until you reach your goals. The agent who tries to “wow” you with the highest price, will likely be compensating for their lack of knowledge.

Curb Appeal

We’ve talked about this again and again on our blog. First impressions matter. Studies show that people decide if they will ultimately make an offer within the first few seconds of seeing a home. A bad first impression will stick with them as they view the house, and will likely not lead to an offer.

However, with a little raking, weeding, and planting, your curb appeal can change over night. You don’t have to spend a fortune. Simply clean up any clutter and pull the weeds. Cut back anything that has become over grown, and plant a few flowers to add a pop of color. A welcoming front yard makes a world of difference for prospective buyers.

selling house in cincinnati - curb appeal

Now is Not The Time To Go Cheap

With the market being so hot right now, you do NOT want to go cheap with your photography. Bad photos will make your house looked over and a buyer will go elsewhere. Make sure you get top notch photography and someone who knows what they are doing to highlight all of the best features of your home. The right lighting and equipment matter!

We would love to help you if you are thinking about selling your Cincinnati home! Send us a message now, or give us a call! (859) 412-1940

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