sell home in cincinnati using the internet - smart phones, computer

How To Use The Internet to Sell Your Home in Cincinnati

Now, more than ever, people are finding success selling their homes online. But with the online marketplace being so hot, you are likely to face some stiff competition! We have put together our favorite tips to help you stand out and sell your home in Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky fast!

sell home in cincinnati using the internet - smart phones, computer

Go Where The Buyers Are:

There are many online listing portals to choose from. Look up some listings in your area. What sites show up first in the search results? Many times, the tops sites are Zillow and Trulia. Love them or hate them, they have a great grasp on generating real estate traffic. When you list something on the MLS, it is likely to be picked up by these major sites. Whether or not you are advertising with them, you’ll want to make sure your properties are showcased well.

These services are syndicates, which means that your information will go out to multiple websites. So, be sure to double check your info before you post! The wrong information or making a mistake on the pricing can be a major headache trying to reel that info back and sell your house.

Consider Premium Listings:

When you do a property search on any major website, you will likely see certain properties at the top time and time again. They paid to get that top spot. Real Estate Agents get this and will spend their marketing dollars for those premium positions. If you have some extra money and want to blitz the campaign and get a lot of traffic, you may want to consider paying to get the premium listing.

Create a Property Specific Website:

A unique and interesting way to sell your home using the internet would be to create a property specific website. A basic website and domain won’t cost you much to get started. With a little SEO, content, and imagery, you can quickly build a site to rival the big advertisers when it comes to showcasing your house!

Use Amazing Photos:

We can’t overestimate how powerful your photos are when trying to sell your house in Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky or anywhere for that matter.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and they are absolutely right. Make sure the words used to describe your house are “Stunning, spacious and immaculate!” not “Dated, cramped and dingy!” When buyers see a photo of your home, it tells them whether or not they want to pursue it further.

For many buyers, it is not easy to picture themselves in the home if they are seeing your personal belongings. Get a head start on packing by putting your knick-knacks and decorative items away. Get rid of all the clutter, then hire a professional photographer to take photos of your home. With the amount of great photo equipment out there, it’s not too difficult to find someone for a good price.

Use an Accurate Description of the Property:

Be as detailed and as accurate about the property as possible. Disclose any defects but also make sure not to overlook the details that may be a selling point for a certain buyer. If you have recently re-done the roof, mention it. If there is a large and bright kitchen, you should mention it.

If you withhold information that comes up in an inspection, buyers are going to think you aren’t honest. And, they’ll be worried about what else you aren’t telling them. There is a line to walk on being upfront, but also not saying your property is terrible. Every property has its own problems.

Watch Your Words:

When people are house hunting, the listings can all begin sounding alike and running together. A lack of adjectives will cause every property to be “beautiful” and “cozy.” Don’t blend in with the crowd! Use colorful language to make your listing stand out from the rest. Don’t just gloss over the ad, using generic words to describe your property.

Use Data To:

Acquiring, understanding and using data will almost guarantee you a quick sale. Using data, you will be able to:

  • Run comps of recently sold properties in the area.
  • Locate and contact the best agents in town. Online reviews will ensure you find the agent that is best for you!
  • Study market trends for real estate in your area. Ask questions such as: when is the best time of year to sell my Cincinnati or the Greater Cincinnati Area house? What are the current buyer demographics?

Are you ready to sell your home in the Greater Cincinnati Area? We are ready to help! Fill out this form, or give us a call now! (859) 412-1940


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